The average house price on PORT TALBOT PLACE is £94,981
The most expensive house in the street is 16 PORT TALBOT PLACE with an estimated value of £126,619
The cheapest house in the street is 12 PORT TALBOT PLACE with an estimated value of £77,716
The house which was most recently sold was 6 PORT TALBOT PLACE, this sold on 26 Jul 2017 for £67,000
The postcode for PORT TALBOT PLACE is SA5 5JD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 PORT TALBOT PLACE Terraced £107,167 £28,000 26 Apr 2000
4 PORT TALBOT PLACE Terraced £84,928 £51,750 28 Feb 2007
6 PORT TALBOT PLACE Terraced £86,050 £67,000 26 Jul 2017
12 PORT TALBOT PLACE Terraced £77,716 £16,000 9 Jan 1998
16 PORT TALBOT PLACE Terraced £126,619 £83,000 4 Aug 2014
37 PORT TALBOT PLACE Terraced £87,411 £15,500 4 Jun 1996